Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How To Get Free Contact Lenses

Get Free Trial Color Contact Lenses

Get free trial color contact lenses before purchasing a pair of them. A hue of colors are available online and you might be amazed at the many pictures you'll see. 

But it is for sure, what's shown in the images might differ from the actual look of these colored contact lenses in the real world. 

Worse is, sometimes what they show might surprisingly don’t match at all with what you receive. So, relying upon online pictures can be foolish.

Here is the best way of doing it - a bit lengthy, but a good way to try colored contact lenses in order to get a pair that suits you. 

Step: 1 

Browse through online contact lens retailer websites and pick the ones you like. Before doing that, it's good to have a basic idea of purpose for your lenses. 

For instance, think about what kind of occasion you want to wear them for, day or night time or just for regular usage. 
Depending on what kind of purpose you have, you can dig a bit of info when online. 

You can get plenty of stuff related to the types of colored contact lenses you can get and how to pick a pair. 
This information is important for whose who are just getting into the world of colored lenses. 

Several articles can tell you how many types of contact lenses are available, what their specialty is, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages and lots more!

Once you scroll through various tints of contact lenses, try to locate a bar or message on that website which says ‘free trial’. 

Now, once you locate it, click on that tab and follow the procedures – usually, there will be a small form that you have to fill and submit. 

If you have opted for more than one trail, fill in separate forms. They will give you a trial certificate after a bit. 

Step: 2 

Take a print out of the trial certificate and go to an optometrist. 

He will give you a prescription with which you can obtain a trial pack of color contact lenses that you wanted to try. 

Ask your doctor about which brand would suit you better. He may suggest you the right one that works for you. 

Step: 3

Well, trying doesn’t mean inserting the contact lenses and staring at your impression in a mirror. Have patience and give it a nice try. 

-      Check in various lights – indoor and outdoor. Contacts give a different look in natural light and
     artificial light. 

-       Try to notice how comfortable you are when wearing them. 

      If you have gone for a nice brand, in most times you won't have any trouble. Still, put them on for a while and observe how you feel.

-       Try reading or watching TV with them. 

     This makes for a better way to understand how comfortable you are when wearing them.
        This should come first actually, check how you look. 

Step: 4

Buy the pair of colored contact lenses that you have determined would look better on you and are also comfortable.