Thursday, October 3, 2013

Swimming With Contact Lenses

Swimming with Contact Lenses - Contact Lenses You Can Swim In 

Swimming with contact lenses makes it easier to enjoy the benefits of a hot summer swim. Find out why optometrists and the FDA actually recommend against swimming with contact lenses and the health repercussions you could suffer if you do.


Contact Lenses You Can Swim In – What Can Go Wrong If I Swim With My Lenses In?

It’s definitely a pastime that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy swimming, merely because you need to wear contact lenses. More & more people are looking into the variety of options available in order to turn in their glasses. 

However, finding a contact lens you can swim in is hard because most optometrists and the FDA strongly discourage this activity.  


That is because getting any kind of water in your eye while wearing contact lenses can significantly increase your chances of developing a serious eye infection.  

Wearing contact lenses prohibits your eyes from removing bacteria as readily as if there were nothing in your eye, making it more likely that the bacteria will stick around.  

This, in turn, leads to heightened risk of infection and other medical eye issues. 

Contact Lenses You Can Swim In – What Swimming Contact Lenses To Choose From?

However, if you are stuck and need a contact lens you can swim in, eye doctors recommend swimming only with daily disposable lenses.  

These are the best option because you can throw them out immediately after swimming to ensure that you do not obtain an uncomfortable eye infection from the water.  


Daily disposables are best because you should toss them each night regardless of whether you were swimming, but even if you swim in other disposable lenses, it is a good habit to throw those out after swimming as well. 
Daily disposables as a contact lens you can swim in are the least costly option for you. 

Contact Lenses You Can Swim In – What Else Can I Swim In?

Some people have been able to swim in their contacts while wearing goggles. 

There is still a high likelihood that water will seep into the goggles at some point, but your eyes will be more protected from bacteria than were you not to wear the goggles.  

Instead of looking for a contact lens you can swim in, though, you could opt for a set of prescription goggles to further reduce your risk of disease. 

Contact Lenses You Can Swim In - Swimming with Contact Lenses

While the experts recommend not swimming with contact lenses in, you can find some high-quality daily disposable lenses if you are insistent upon swimming.  


Some popular brands of daily disposable contact lenses can be found on the reputable online contact lens stores. 
Note that most manufacturers still have not developed  contact lenses you can swim in, but most do offer those you can throw out easily after your activity.  

Clearly Contacts sells lenses called Splash One Day, Focus Dailies, Acuvue Moist, Dailies AquaComfort, and more.  

It may seem deceiving that most modern contact lenses use words like ‘aqua’ or ‘splash’ in their product names, but this does not mean they produce a contact lens you can swim in.  

These names simply portray the technology used in contact lens development that enhances breathability and moisture retention in their products.  


These are important considerations when choosing a contact lens as they lead directly to how comfortable and durable the lenses will be.  

For the health of your eyes, heed the advice of the professionals and try not to wear contact lenses while swimming.  Your eyesight is volatile, and you need to protect it throughout your lifetime.